Are Instagram Filters Bad? My Thoughts as a Filter Creator…
Instagram Filters, Rants Megan Smith Instagram Filters, Rants Megan Smith

Are Instagram Filters Bad? My Thoughts as a Filter Creator…

Instagram filters are not a new thing, but recently we’ve seen a rise in backlash, especially against beauty filters, smoothing, and face deformation effects.

I want to share what the debate is about, if you’ve missed it, Instagram’s reaction, and my thoughts. Then I’ll share my tips for filter creators and filter users on how to make and share filters more responsibly.

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Five Elements of a Successful Instagram AR Filter
Instagram, Instagram Filters Megan Smith Instagram, Instagram Filters Megan Smith

Five Elements of a Successful Instagram AR Filter

Having a custom Instagram filter for your small business brand is a great way to build community and expand your reach. But unless your filter is optimized correctly, it won’t be as effective as you want. In this post, I share the five elements of a successful custom Instagram filter that helps you get more impressions, saves, and shares.

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