3 Tips for More Website Conversions Using Gifs



Trivia time: did you know that when used correctly, gifs can be a powerful source of conversions on your website or sales page? No? Well, let me show you a whole new world!

Gifs are one of my favorite online marketing tools because they combine fun (something I’m super passionate about in my business) and visual strategy. 

Whether you think of gifs as just some silly memes you text your friends, or you’re totally onboard and ready to incorporate them into your marketing strategy, you’re going to want to save this post to make sure you’re making the most of gifs in your business!

#1: Use gifs for attention, not distraction

The amazing thing about gifs is that they are often one of the few things that actually move on a website or sales page. Why is this great? Because studies have shown that movement attracts our eyes as we skim visual information. Our eyes are constantly scanning for important or new information in our environment, and movement signals something changing. 

So, you should use this for your advantage. Use animated gifs for your calls to action (CTAs), buy now buttons, and other important conversion pieces that you want your readers to focus on. 

On the flip side, make sure you aren’t using a ton of gifs in random places, because the movement will distract readers and just confuse them. 

If you are strategic about where you use gifs, you can optimize them for the best results. 

#2: Use gifs instead of video

While video is a powerful tool online, sometimes a gif is just better.

When I’m creating blog post tutorials or how-to guides, for example, I will often convert my screen recordings into short, easily digestible gifs.

The benefit of gifs over video is that gifs play automatically, and it’s one less click your audience has to make. And short, concise gifs will also speed up your load time over a hefty video. While this doesn’t work for every piece of content, it is super effective for readers who want quick, actionable information.

These short how-to style gifs can be super effective for your audience and your read time.

#3: Good gifs start with really good design

Listen, I’ve been there. You want to use more gifs in your content so you start rushing to pump out a bunch of mediocre ones to get going. It’s exciting once you decide to use gifs and we all let excitement get the best of us!

But as with most things in life, you don’t get credit just for showing up, and gifs don’t convert just because they move around.

In order to get really good results from your gifs, you need to start with really good design. Once you have a solid base, even simple animation can bring your design to life. Because while the movement is what makes a gif cool and novel, the design is what makes it GOOD. 

Now get out there and use more gifs!

Gifs can be a powerful tool (and super fun!), but you should always make sure you are optimizing them to work for your business goals. When designed well and used correctly, they can help you create more connections, more conversions, and more sales.


PS. Did you know I create custom gifs for brands to use on their websites? If you’re interested in learning more, send me an email!


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