4 Ways to Add Gifs to Your Blog Posts

Adding gifs to your blog posts is the easiest way to instantly add personality to blocks of text.

Studies have shown that us humans tend to read way more of a post when it features visual aids rather than just text.

Gifs give you a special advantage because movement and animation draws your readers eye to important information and calls to action (CTAs). Here are four easy and impactful ways to add gifs to your blog posts. 

#1: Animate Your Header

Animating your post header is a great way to easily add some spice to your post. It will draw your reader’s attention to the topic and get them excited to keep reading. 

I recommend using Canva to add animations and then downloading your creation as a gif to optimize page load time.

#2: Show Your Steps

I use gif tutorials all the time to show my steps or demonstrate a tool in my blog posts.

Gifs are even better than videos because they will autoplay for viewers, and they are quick and easy for your reader to digest, even on mobile. So next time you want to teach something, make sure you show your steps with a gif. 

I recommend using a free tool like GIPHY Create to turn your screen recordings into gifs.

PS. Check out this post to see how I implemented this!

#3: Animate Your CTA

Here you’re really going to use the power of movement to draw the eye to your CTA (call to action).

Oftentimes, this would be your buttons and links of where you want people to go next. You CTA should lead readers to conversions that you want.

By animating your call to action in a blog post, you are making sure that it gets the attention from your audience it deserves.

As always, make sure your gif and your message is simple and legible, even on small screens. 

Need help with making gifs in Canva?

Canva has some great, easy to use animation features on their free plan, and is a great place to start.

But, if you want to up your design game and learn how to make even better sticker and text gifs in Canva, check out my course, “Create 3 Scroll Stopping Gifs in Canva” that gives you step by step walkthroughs, best practices, and my fav animation tips.

Plus, I show my hack for making those Canva gifs transparent stickers (thank goodness!). Without this hack, your gifs will download from Canva with an ugly white square in the background. Not really a good look.

Click below to access the course, and use code “BLOGPARTY” for $5 off!


#4: Animate Your Blog Headshot

This is a super simple way to add a personal touch and make your beautiful face stand out to your readers.

Plus, visual movement makes you more memorable in the vast sea of the internet. 

Here, again, I love Canva for simple animations, or try the sticker maker in GIPHY Create to add some pizzazz to a photo you already have!

Here’s an example of an animated headshot I made in Procreate:



Now, go forth and gif up your blog posts - I can’t wait to see what you make!


Want to talk more?

I would love to hear your thoughts, rants, or questions about this topic.

Click here and shoot me a DM on my Instagram, or click here to send me an email. I always love hearing your take!

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