Case Study: Pattern Design for a Creative Bookkeeper


The Client

Vantage Virtual is an established virtual bookkeeping company targeting creative entrepreneurs and online coaches. They help businesses manage their finances, track their spending, and prepare for tax time. They offer done-for-you services like monthly bookkeeping and reconciliation, as well as done-with-you services such as templates and how-to guides. 

The Challenge 

Vantage Virtual had recently started a new Instagram account to connect with more leads. They were using simple, standard Canva templates for their graphics, but felt the design wasn’t connecting with the creative businesses they served. They had great written content and captions, but were spending so much time on Instagram graphics that were just ok. 

The Solution

An illustrated dollar sign asset custom drawn for this project.

For this project, I created two custom illustrated pattern designs. These are infinitely repeating patterns, so they are flexible and easy to use for media of different size and type, such as posts, website patterns, or even print media. In this case, I built these illustrated patterns to act as Instagram post templates or post backgrounds that could be brought into Canva and used to spruce up other boring templates.

For these designs, we incorporated some imagery from Vantage Virtual’s existing branding. The first pattern features hand drawn money signs, with a bit of texture and shading to add more interest. This, of course, connects with their bookkeeping services. On a literal level, it brings the ideas of profit and sales into the eyes of their audience.

The second pattern is a more abstract representation of their brand. Vantage Virtual is a bookkeeping business, but a big part of their identity is being a small business run out of beautiful New Hampshire. Trees, mountains, and wilderness images feature heavily in their logo and brand identity. So for this pattern, I created an abstract line art design that mimics old style topography maps. While the literal imagery of the map connects with the wilderness theme, the organic line work also can act as an abstract element to add interest to their Instagram posts. This topographical pattern really helps tie their physical environment into their feed, and creates that sense of cozy scenery for their Instagram audience. 


The Outcome

Vantage Virtual is now able to quickly and easily create Instagram feed graphics that they feel more aligned with and that their ideal audience connects with. The pattern designs are an easy way to add fun and personality, but also easy to reuse in Canva. These designs help Vantage Virtual build a more creative atmosphere on their Instagram and support their great written content. 


Want to talk More?

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Click here and shoot me a DM on my Instagram, or click here to send me an email. If you’re interested in how custom pattern design can benefit your business, let’s chat!

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